Since its introduction in 1983, the Model Seven has become the go-to rifle for countless hunters who pursue their game in thick brush or dense woods. The compact Model Seven handles with lightning speed in the brush, yet still has the accuracy for the long shots. This rifle features a 20″ stainless steel barrel and the addition of an HS Precision stock gives you a rock solid shooting platform. More than just a miniature 700, the Model Seven is an excellent brush rifle in heavy cover or a lightweight option for hiking the back country. The Model Seven is the hunting rifle for hunters that actually like to hunt!
Specifications and Features:
Remington Model Seven 85968
Bolt Action Rifle
.243 Winchester
4 Round Hinged Floorplate Magazine
20″ Barrel with a 1:9.125″ twist
X-Mark-Pro Adjustable Trigger
HS Precision Stock Black with Green Webbing
Sling Swivel Studs
Stainless Steel Finish
Overall length 39.25″
Weight 6.5 lbs